ISA’s farmer-driven trial explores data gaps.
This is a summary of the full article that was published on the ILSoybeanAdvisor, funded by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program. Read the full article here.
One thing that is certain in agriculture is that carbon credit and environmental, social and governance (ESG) markets are not going away. Every month there are more programs and initiatives being announced. But, that makes it very challenging for growers to know what programs to participate in?

The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) is taking a proactive approach for its growers by looking for reliable new technology. ISA is currently undergoing a 90-day trial with the Farmobile PUC to see if the data collection measures up. ISA is focused on management tools and sustained profitability — not just of the Illinois soybean farmers, but of the entire supply chain.
“On-farm data management continues to evolve as new technologies have emerged. Product traceability, in-field management, and accurate input records have become valuable pieces of information and the use of data management for operational needs for improved farm efficiencies has proven to be profitable,” says Abigail Peterson, a Certified Crop Advisor and ISA’s director of agronomy. “The challenge, however, to document every equipment pass, chemical application, and the multitude of other practices is daunting — let alone trying to get all platforms to work together in a format that is precise and user-friendly.”
Hear the full article and others on the ILSoybeanAdvisor website.