Top 3 Things to Know about the Farmobile Index at Harvest

By: Jeff Pio, Farmobile Director of Support
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Farmers have always been at the mercy of factors outside of their control from trade wars, Washington bureaucracy, inaccurate reports, and volatile weather and climate change to ag industry consolidation and robust consumer demand. All of these things have created a perfect storm of marketplace chaos.
In an effort to reduce some of the volatility for U.S. farmers, Farmobile determined to create a more reliable way for them to track crop progress with a benchmarking tool — the Farmobile IndexSM — that leverages crowd-sourced data to deliver timely (daily) harvest (and planting) insights. Beta-tested last fall, the Farmobile Index is exclusively available to Farmobile subscribers.
Here are three quick things you need to know about the benefits of using the Farmobile Index for #Harvest20.
Why the Farmobile Index was created.
The Farmobile Index provides subscribers with a daily view into aggregate, state-level crop results, ahead of USDA-NASS reported survey estimates. Farmoible wanted to offer farmers a quicker look at crop progress based on ground-truthed machine data coming right out of the cab.
At Farmobile we’ve always believed in the power of high quality, ground-truthed data to empower the farmer. This allows farmer-customers to glean crop progress insights which the rest of the marketplace may not realize for up to a week. “We created the Farmobile Index exclusively for our farmer-users to bridge the gap in data reporting that currently exists in ag, and ultimately help reduce market volatility,” said Jason Tatge, CEO of Farmobile.
What value can be found in using the Farmobile Index for Harvest?
This fall, Farmobile subscribers will have access to an exclusive view of total aggregated harvested acres/yield by state, generated by Farmobile PUC™ device users. But the true value is in what this means — subscribers will have a first-look of daily yield results before the rest of the marketplace. They can: 1) view daily yield results for an individual or a group of states by defined date ranges for Corn & Soybean crops, 2) benchmark their own yields against state-level averages, and 3) compare results against USDA-NASS estimates.
How the Farmobile Index is updated?
The aggregate data used in the Farmobile Index is collected from customers through the Farmobile PUC device. Only data totals, aggregated at the state level, are used for Index insights. Absolutely NO identifiable farm data or individual Electronic Field Records are shared.
Probably one of the most important things to know about the Farmobile Index is it can give farmers a true edge. It empowers them with daily, ground-truthed yield insights that they can only get by collecting and aggregating real-time data. And here’s what is really exciting — over time, as more farmers use Farmobile, the Index becomes even more insightful. And, that’s the true power of LIVE data collection. Your Data. Your Yield. Your Power. #Farmer Power.
Visit the FAQ for more details about the Farmobile Index for planting and harvest.