Want to see Farmobile at SXSW 2018? Vote!
By the Farmobile Editors
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After last year’s successful panel, we are excited to announce that our submission for SXSW 2018 is now live for voting! Community votes count for a third of the overall selections, so we need your help to make sure we have another successful year at SXSW.
Vote here: Did we Fail Big Data?
In our panel, our CEO Jason Tatge, will discuss the work that needs to be done for us to glean real insights and actions from big data, specifically in industries where the illustrious promise of data has yet to be realized.
We’ve got more data now than ever before, but the hype surrounding it seems to ebb and flow. Where are our assumptions wrong? What lessons have traditional industries learned from the big data hype? How do we turn data soup into something useful in industries that haven’t been fully digitized?
Jason and his co-panelists (soon to be announced!) will explore the issues that are keeping traditional industries like agriculture, health care and industrial manufacturing from realizing the full power of their data. They’ll discuss what industry leaders are doing to combat them, touching on data usability, quality, ownership, and the ways that these issues are being tackled in today’s landscape, from industry-specific fixes to broader technological trends.
This panel will bring to light the most common challenges and best approaches to getting the most out of big data no matter the industry or application. It’s time for us to tackle big data with big picture thinking and realistic expectations.
You can support Farmobile’s SXSW panel in a number of ways. The most important thing you can do is to quickly create an account and give us a thumbs-up on Panel Picker to cast your vote. You can also go to our Panel Picker page and comment on our panel: What excites you about the topic? What types of questions would you ask the speakers?
We’d also love a share on social media. We’ve put together this Tweet to make it easy to show your support.
Did we fail Big Data? Vote for @farmobilellc’s Jason Tatge + others to discuss at SXSW next year! http://bit.ly/2vI9k46 #SXSW2018
Thanks so much for your support. We really appreciate it. Hope to see you at SXSW!